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Le 08/12/2011 06:49, Ralf Saalmüller a écrit :

Hi Ralf,

Macro isn't nice to handle in LO. I don't want to mess to configure a java
object. It's very frustrating that the switch to LO is at stake on such a
little bit of usability. There need to be a solution. Please help me out!

I feel your pain. This is a longstanding unmet business need.

A loooonngg, looonngg time ago, with 1.x, this actually worked fairly well. Then OOo 2.x came along, and ever since, including with OOo3 and LibO, printing to separate trays automatically has been a right royal PITA to set up, or it either simply didn't work.

However, just to pick up on your comments :
- if you have developed a macro for Word to be able to do this, why not do the same for LibreOffice ?

One alternative solution I have seen is to set up different printer queues for each scenario, and then configure each queue via the printer driver to print out only from the tray that you want. In your case, you would only need 2 queues :

- the first for printing out page 1 in a first tray, and all subsequent pages in a second tray
- the second for printing all pages to a third tray

Then write a macro to poll the available queues, select the one of your choice for a first printout sequence, then the second one for the second printout sequence, and assign that macro to a button that you either include in your document template or to a toolbar.

Having said that, I have not actually tested the feasibility/difficulty of this solution.


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