Expanding a bit on Jonny's concatenation:
A1: "" (null string)
A2: 1 (numeric)
A3: =A1+A2 displays #VALUE
A4: =A1 & A2 displays left-aligned "1". It is a text result.
A5: =A2 + A4 displays a right-aligned 2. It is a numeric result.
Ergo, the "+" operator gave #VALUE result when combining a null string and
a numeric but gives a numeric when combining a <text string which can be
interpreted as a numeric> with a numeric.
Per my mini-sermon (earlier today) on debugging and preferring strict
type-based behavior, I would prefer A5 to also display #VALUE.
David S. Crampton
On Sat, 03 Dec 2011 12:08:20 -0800, Jay Lozier <jslozier@gmail.com> wrote:
On 12/03/2011 12:50 PM, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
2011/12/3 Pedro<pedlino@gmail.com>:
Johnny Rosenberg wrote
Depending on the value in other cells, the result can be a time or an
empty string (""). In this case, E9 is an empty string, so E10 becomes
”#VALUE!”, and in fact every cell below E10 is also ”#VALUE!” because
of this.
Can you provide an example file? This used to be a problem but it is
in 3.4.4 (at least under Windows)
I could, but it's not needed, I think. I just did this simple test in
3.3.4 and 3.4.4:
Open LibreOffice Calc from scratch.
In LibreOffice 3.3.4 (Ubuntu 10.10), A2 displays:
In 3.4.4 (Ubuntu 11.10), OOO340m1 (Build:402), A2 displays:
Try in A1 no data/empty cell and in A2 =A1+1, you will get 1 in A2. You
are adding a text and number and the + operator is not used for
This has to do with operator overloading, are other, similar, operations
allowed when using '+'. Some may allow it and others may not,
restricting its use to mathematical operations only. LO uses the '&'
operator for concatenation.
If you use A1 = "" and A2 = A1 & 1 you get 1.
Kind regards
Johnny Rosenberg
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- [libreoffice-users] Re: Stuck with 3.3 forever? (continued)
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