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On 12/01/2011 10:16 PM, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:
On 12/01/2011 10:05 PM, NoOp wrote:
On 11/30/2011 05:04 PM, Jonathan Schultz wrote:

For some time I've found that libreoffice (and openoffice before it) had
trouble rendering text with the Linux open 'nouveau' (as opposed to the
proprietary NVIDIA) driver. What appears to happen is that everything
above a certain point is good, but below it the text simply doesn't
appear. I've not seen any other application that has the same problem.

I've attached a typical screenshot to demonstrate the effect.
It always helps if you: 1) tell others what version of LO you are having
issues with (and also if it is from LO or some other source; linux
distribution repository or PPA, etc), 2) what OS type and  version
(there are about thousands of versions of linux). My /guess/ is that you
are running some form of Ubuntu, if correct please tell us which version
you are running.
Cannot comment on this poster, but, I have seen a very similar issue on both OOo and LO. I see this on Linux, not on Windows. I had the problem with Fedora 15 and also Fedora 16. Both are 64-bit versions. I use the KMod drivers for NVidia installed from the repositories. I see the issues with other applications as well, but the primary offenders are OOo and QT.

Using Ubuntu 11.04 and 11.10 base and derivatives (Pinguy and Mint), both 64 bit, I have not seen this behavior. AFAIK the drivers were/are ATI Radeon from the repository. The actual drivers were auto-installed on installation and left unchanged. The desktops include both Gnome 2.? and Gnome 3.2. It appears that the problem is limited to the NVidia drivers.

Jay Lozier

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