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John Gregson <jfgregson <at>> writes:

First, I want to thank all who replied to to my first Posting.
I'm using Win7
Libre Office 3.4.4

I can now open some of the MS Works, Word Processor files (.WPS)
However, I find that any Works file .wps; that has a Table in it will
not open in Libre Office.
Am I missing something?

Hello John,
yes, unfortunately, the library libwps (used in LibreOffice) does 
not actually know  how to read a table  structure ; so normally, 
a file which contains some tables must  be converted in a new 
file without any  table.

This functionality is pretty difficult to add because :
- with the oldest versions of MS Works, a table seems to be 
  stored in a WKS attachment ;  so first, we  will need to 
  decode the WKS format :-)
- with the newer versions of MS Works, even if for each table, 
  it seems possible to find  the zones of  text  which appear 
  in its cells, retrieving the table structure (ie. finding the 
  position of each cell in  the table, ... ) seems difficult :-~


PS: if you want to add a bug/request for this functionality, the 
best place is probably 
( tracker menu )...

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