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I just tried to add an extension and got an error about needed at least 3.4 to install. Since I know I installed 3.4.3 when it came out, I looked into what was going on. I remember Ubuntu 10.04 LTS dealing with a few large Linux core updates over the past month or two. I wonder if one of these updates decided to update its repository version of LO from 3.3.2 to 3.3.3 and then to install it on my system. Since I know I installed 3.4.3 when it came out, this is the only way it could have happened. I found both 3.3.x and 3.4.x packages installed while I was looking in the package manager. I know I un-installed all of the 3.3.x packages before I installed the 3.4.x ones, so it must have been the updating system that installed them again.

So I just un-installed the 3.3.3 packages [again] and installed the 3.4.4 packages. It was weird that the Office menu showed LO 3.4 but it opened 3.3.3, along with the desktop 3.4 icons, but the panel icons that were for 3.4.3 would not open LO at all.

I wish there would be some system withing Ubuntu's update manager that would look to see if newer version of that packages were installed, before it decided to upgrade them back to the older versions in their repository. I have many packages, besides LO, that were manually installed with newer version over what is in the Ubuntu repositories. HP's printer driver install utility package, Artha [offline thesaurus] and Devede [creates TV-DVDs from computer video files] are just three of them.

So, maybe someone in the top board/committee of TDF/LO might look into this situation with the distros and ask why this is being done? It is never nice for a distro to downgrade you package version without you knowing about it.

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