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I was wondering if you could re-install the language pack[s]. Of you
could install a dictionary extension for German. That might change the
system settings. I know that if you add a different dictionary for the
same language, the new one has priority over the older one. When both
have thesaurus options, the new dictionary thesaurus word show up first,
then the old dictionary's thesaurus words. So, adding a new German
dictionary might help.

This is the link to LO's Extension Center, with the "dictionary" search


Also, since you are using version 3.3.3, you might want to install a
newer version of LibreOffice. There is a 3.3.4 version and the 3.4.x
line is now at 3.4.4. I used 3.3.4 before and I am currently using 3.4.3
and 3.4.4 on my Linux and Windows systems. They work much better for
reading and writing the Microsoft Office .docx and the other file
formats that MSO started using since 2007. It seems that every update
works a little better in many areas, besides fixing a bug or three.


Also, to promote what I have done: Look at the Extension listing for
"American British Canadian" English dictionaries. From that link, you
will find 11 different English dictionaries with spell checking words
list ranging from 98,000+ words to 638,000+ words, and each has
hyphenation and thesaurus options included. I have not seen any English
spell checking dictionary that had 390,000+ or 638,000+ words in their
word lists. That would make my contributions to the LO extensions the
largest ones. Myself, I use the American English version with 217,000+
words in its spell checking list.

On 11/18/2011 03:27 AM, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
Good evening from Japan
Recently I have tried a "demo version" of the German (commercial) spell
checker "Duden Rechtschreibpruefung".
Now the trial period is over, I deinstalled the above software, and
think I manually also deleted all relevant folders,
yet, the original spell checker is "dead".

Means: although the German dictionary is installed AND the language for
the text set to German,
ALL I ever get back from the spell checker - even if I intentionally
introduce obvious mistakes -
"spell check is complete".

Windows XP, LibreOffice 3.3.3 (build 301)

Is there a trick to reactivate something that did work fine before?
Thank you in advance

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