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Hi :)
I sometimes use a plain-text editor to paste things into before moving them on into another app.  
It either strips weird coding or displays it so i can see the weirdness and delete bits.  It would 
be nicer if it was easier to just copy&paste without stuffing everything up.  The method of pasting 
unformatted text is quite neat too but using an intermediary can be interesting.  
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Sun, 13/11/11, Jay Lozier <> wrote:

From: Jay Lozier <>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Libre Office quitting
Date: Sunday, 13 November, 2011, 23:38


On 11/13/2011 05:23 PM, Steve Edmonds wrote:

On 14/11/11 11:07, Séamas Ó Brógáin wrote:
Hello, Jay.

I should have said that it’s in Writer only. I’m using Libre Office
3.4.3 (build 302), from the Ubuntu repository. I’m using Gnome Classic,
not Unity (and on a fairly dated computer).

Today was a disaster, but also may have led to a discovery. Having tried
everything else, I resorted to purging Libre Office altogether from my
computer and reinstalling from scratch. Same problem.

Going on the supposition that the problem was specific to a particular
document, I reconstructed the complex document I was working on,
starting with a new layout, styles, and all the components copied from
various places. That took me most of the day (and I’m not finished yet).
Everything seemed to be working properly now; then, when I copied in the
text from one particular file (a .docx file that I received from someone
else), the problem began again.

I noticed what seemed to be a space at the end of each paragraph (which,
incidentally, is a very common feature of Microsoft files copied into
Open Office or Libre Office). Now, though, the application would quit
every time I tried to delete one by backspacing over it or using the
delete key. After many failures I managed to get rid of them all (I
hope) by selecting “cut” from the menu, or pasting other text over the
mystery space.

Thanks for the observation. If you find more information please 
append/submit a bug report. You might try opening the problematic docx 
file by itself in Write when you get a chance and see what happens.

I saved one of these characters and pasted it into Character Map to see
if I could identify it (and so be able to search for it in the future),
but it won’t allow me to paste it in.

If this is the source of the problem (and of course I don’t know for
certain that it is) I would hardly expect an application to quit because
of the presence a particular invisible character.

That’s today’s episode of the saga!

When you paste from the docx, can you try "paste special", unformatted
text and gain success.
Can you paste the text from docx into a file, save and view it with
ghexedit to identify the character.
You might be able to paste the character in here to find some info.


Jay Lozier

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