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I agree that using the standard headings and customising inbuilt outline
numbering style will work. What it will not do however is to allow a
separate numbering style for special sections such as appendices, or with
some documents a set of annexes, each containing their own appendices.

It seems that the Open office/Libre office approach to Templates makes
sense. I have been using Templates with Microsoft Word for nearly 20 years
for a wide variety of (computer system related) technical documents
including design specifications and proposal material. These documents often
have to conform with precise document structures imposed by the client. 

I use Libre Office on my home computers and am currently trying to generate
an "all purpose" LO Template that I can use for a series of "How to"
documents targeted at my local computer club members, and my professional
pride wants these to be properly structured. I have enough experience to
know what I need to include in such a Template having created a large number
of Word Templates in the past. 

I also have a talk scheduled for early January where I want to show the
computer club members how to use LO Templates and intend to cover how to use
styles effectively. I intend to use the Template mentioned above as the
basis of my talk.

It is these two objectives that led me to discover that what I considered to
be a major advantage to LO does not in fact work properly. Why is the
Outline Level being ignored and a Level 1 being substituted?

I will have to avoid the introduction of Appendices for now until I can find
a way of doing it, and live with the inbuilt outline style. I am however
very disappointed that custom lists do not work with Headings although
frustratingly they *almost *do. 

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