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On Wed, 2011-11-09 at 15:36 -0800, budi machribie wrote:
Dear Sir,

Hi Budi

For future reference - It is much better if you start a new thread for
new questions, rather then changing the subject line from an existing

I would be much obliged if you could help me with the following problem  

Using LibreBase (Ubuntu 11.10) I tried to make a pushbutton macro to open a form "Name2c" from 
within another form

From the Internet I get the following script

Sub OpenAForm(oEv As Object)
Dim GetFormName As String
Dim GetForm as Object
GetFormName = "Name2c"
GetForm = ThisDatabaseDocument.FormDocuments.GetByName(GetFormName)
End Sub

however when I run it the following message appears 

Basic runtime error 
Object variable not set

Yeah - the problem is that the psudo variable ThisDatabaseDocument is
only valid when the macro is contained in a basic library embedded in
the ODB file - and refers explicitly to this Base file without regard
from where it's called.

So, I'm guessing your calling it from a shared Basic library, just move
the code into the ODB file and your good to start.

Best wishes,


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