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Context: in Calc of LO v3.4.3 on Windows XP Pro. I

I record my checkbook into Calc. Four columns are, Check #, Debit$, Credit$, Balance.

Each month adds about 40 rows (checks and other transactions) to the columns. At the end of each month some of the transactions have not yet cleared the into my bank statement.

I have a named range, "outstanding checks", which spans these uncleared items. There are, say, 10 items in this range.

In October, for example, "outstanding checks" is $A1:$D9. At the end of November I want to redefine "outstanding checks" to be, say, $A31:$D40.

The named range "outstanding checks" is used in links in other related spreadsheet files. It is necessary to have this name remain constant.

What fails:

Insert | Names | Define: brings up Define Names dialog;
Initially, in the Define Names dialog, Scope=Global, Name=<empty>, Listbox contains my "outstanding checks", Assigned To is greyed out.
Click on "outstanding checks" in the listbox;
Assigned To becomes active and shows the currently defined $A1:$D9.
Observe that the button "Add" becomes relabeled to "Modify".

Ignoring, in this first case, the "Modify" button:
Click into the Assigned To box.
Type in the edits to rewrite $A1:$D9 to $A31:$D40.
Click button "OK".
LO Calc crashes. Every time.

Upon restart LO Calc does file recovery. Recovery is successful. Range is still defined as the original $A1:$D9.

Alternate GUI method:
Click "Modify" button to initiate the same edit.
Same crash behavior.

Other info:
OOo v3.3.0 (the last version I used prior to LO) performs this op successfully; that is, the manually typed redefinition is accepted and behaves properly.

Create a newly named defined range each month. For example, "outstanding checks October"; "outstanding checks November", etc. However...

The named range is used in other Calc sheets & files to report on each month. The linkages in those target files must be similarly edited. Pain!

I did an amateur's search of Bugzilla prior to writing this. Hundreds of "define" results but not on this AFAIK. If no clues come from Users forum I will post as new bug.

David S. Crampton

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