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On 11/04/2011 06:47 AM, Mattia Cadamuro wrote:
Hello to all LibreOffice community!

I am an employee of an italian company which manage and mantain hospitals
informatical systems.

For several months we decided to switch to the application LibreOffice.
The main problem we faced was the slowness of the application.

After some testing, we set some parameters and it we had a situation
Here are the parameters
Number Operations: 50
Use of LibreOffice: 128MB
Memory for Objects: 20 MB
Number of objects: 20
Flag to "QuickStart of LibreOffice"

Furthermore to set the 'service system load' grants the most significant
improvement in files opening operation.

Those parameters seem to be popular:

By your experience: in which way we have to set parameters to have the best

I think that this depends on the memory available, cpu, environment
etc., and can only be refined by testing the particular system.
Unfortunately there is no 'wizard' for setting optimal memory settings
(that I'm aware of). If there were I think it would be a very popular
exention/wizard/test script. So if those settings work for you, make
sure that they also work on a system that may be memory limited etc.

Another question:

Setting parameters for one user does not mean we have setted them for all
users of the current machine.
Since we have to replicate this situation on an ActiveDirectory Domain we
need to know were, in the windows registry, changes are to be made. Which
keys are used? Are they present in the 'defaul User' HIVE?
All OS are Windows Xp, actually.

Perhaps this will be of some help:
and Leif Lodahl can assist. My _guess_ would be that the settings are
maintained in the user profile rather than the Windows registry -
otherwise you'd not be able to have multiple profiles on the same
machine for testing. Also, if you rename/delete the user profile the
settings go back to default when you create a new profile. Unfortunatly
I've no idea which file in the user profile does this & hopefully
someone who does will offer their assistance.

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