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On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 04:09, Cor Nouws <> wrote:

Hi Don,

Don Parris wrote (01-11-11 02:19)

 I am having to update a couple documents (contact directories) I created
under OOo some years ago.  I had to save the documents in MS Word format
(*.doc), but used paragraph styles to maintain uniformity of style and
of maintenance.  I wanted to change the color for a particular heading
style, and it should have changed the color for each of the headings of
that style.  Unfortunately, modifying the paragraph style did not change
even the particular paragraph the cursor was on, let alone the other
headings of the same style.

Does not sound good - in my experience this information should be kept.
- Is there any change that there is a mixture of styles and direct
(Select a paragraph and choose Formatting>Default formatting to check)

- Did you also test with a new document in your configuration?

I have not, as of yet, but will do so.

- Any change that you might be able to send a (stripped from conf. info)
version of the problematic document to me (private mail)

Effectively, the entire document is sensitive, by its nature.  Making the
necessary changes would be quite a bit of work, even if I use search and

 I right-clicked on the paragraph style in the Styles list box, then chose
the "modify" option.  I then chose the font effects tab, and changed the
color.  I clicked "Apply" and "Ok".  Nothing happened.

Should do it, as said.

 I also made sure the "automatically update" option was checked.

Not needed.

D.C. Parris, FMP, LEED AP O+M, ESL Certificate
Minister, Security/FM Coordinator, Free Software Advocate  |
GPG Key ID: F5E179BE

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