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Hi :)
I usually start dealing with this sort of thing by checking to see if the files would open when 
they are on my own machine, rather than over the network.  Can you copy one of the files to your 
machine and see if you can open the 'local' copy?

At worst it temporarily means you can at least use the networked file-share as just a back-up or 
storage device and then use a local copy for editing.  

Hopefully someone (such as Alex) might then be able to help you expand on that functionality.
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Thu, 27/10/11, rockhopper <> wrote:

From: rockhopper <>
Subject: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice unable to open from or save to PogoPlug
Date: Thursday, 27 October, 2011, 22:36
I recently purchased a Pogoplug to
which I have attached an ext3 formatted
drive.  Having moved some LibreOffice documents to the
attached drive I am
unable to open them.  Double clicking on the icons in
Nautilus or opening
through LibreOffice results in the following error:

General input/output error while accessing filename

filename is the full path to the file.  I get the same
error when trying to
save a new file to the device.

I got the error with LibreOffice 3.3.4 and today updated to
3.4.3, through
the Launchpad repository, and receive the same error.

The Pogoplug is mounted using the 32-bit version of the
companies software -
pogoplugfs.  I believe this is using FUSE to mount the
drive.  All other
programs I've tried open and save from/to the Pogoplug
without errors.

Does anyone have any advice or suggestions on how to solve
the problem?

Thanks in advance

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