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Hi Mike,

ProWorks1 wrote (24-10-11 15:45)
I'm running LibreOffice 3.4.3 on a MacBook Pro 2010 with OSX Lion 10.7.2 -
when creating a Draw document any text box defaults to the font Arial, which
is fine. However, when changing to certain fonts loaded in mt system, they
will not appear in the text box - a blank area will show as selected, but
the text will not appear.

To me that looks like a bug.
However, I have no Mac or similar available to test this.

Are certain fonts disabled? No, they do show up in the LibreOffice font
list, and they do appear as OK when accessed thru the FontBook. I have not
tested all fonts yet, but it seems certain fonts are off-limits (Barbedor,
Jenson Reccut, Goudy Old Style) while some standard fonts seem fine.

Have you tried to look at BugZilla if there is an issue that describes the problem?

i use some of these fonts for artistic work and flyers I make for groups.
Anyone enlightenment here would be welcome.

P.S. - If this is a Lion issue, or a compatibility issue with Lion, I would
appreciate that lead as well, so I can take it up with Apple.

Maybe some others on this list have experience with (very) special fonts on Lion?


 - Cor

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