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Hi :)
I agree that it would be nice to get a bit more of it's potential working but it is a relief to 
hear that there is no data-loss or data-corruption going on!
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Mon, 24/10/11, Yogi <> wrote:

From: Yogi <>
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: Documents Not Opening On External Drive
Date: Monday, 24 October, 2011, 23:20

Tom wrote:

Hi :)
Ahah, i was wondering what happens if you copy the
files that don't work
from the NAS back onto the machine you are
using?  Do they work when they
are back on your machine?  - using the NAS as
back-up and storage but not
for working on files actively?

I don't know if there is a Windows command or
something that would
identify whether you are using cifs or smb or
something else.  It's
vaguely possible that by knowing the model of the
router we might be able
to find out what it's defaults are but i'm not sure i
would want to state
that sort of thing this publicly.
Regards from
Tom :)

Tom: The files that do not open on the NAS work fine when I
copy them back
to the Windows desktop.  You are correct in that the
NAS is simply being
used for backup, although it does have capability to do a
lot more.  

I don't see a problem with an open discussion about how to
find out what
protocol is being used by default.  I would think that
should be common
knowledge, but apparently it's not.

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