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Le 23/10/2011 23:34, MsBriscow a écrit :

Hi Anne,

The idea is to attach all the files associated with a specific record so
that I have everything in one place.

Is this even possible without me having to write an app? I could probably
install an extension if I knew where and how to find one.

Yes, it is possible, as Jay has indicated in his answer to you BUT, and this is the nub, if you do it that way using a hsqldb backend, i.e. the default database engine provided in LibO Base, and even with a separate table for the binary objects, then you will rapidly hit performance problems with the default java memory management collapsing under the strain, which will inevitably lead to data loss, corruption or some other unpleasant behaviour.

Another alternative to the problem of using binary large objects, is to store a reference to their location on the disk, i.e. their path, which is a much smaller VARCHAR string of characters. However, this then poses the question of how to turn that string of characters into a clickable link so that the user doesn't have to search in the file system.

The forums have already dealt with this question (and the binary storage one for that matter), I strongly suggest you go and have a search there.


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