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On 10/23/2011 06:34 PM, MsBriscow wrote:
I did a search on "attach files records," and did not find what I'm looking
for. (I concede I may have missed it, so please have mercy if I did.)

I want to attach various types of files to specific database records,
including .doc, .txt, .jpeg, .pdf, .wav, .mp3 and possibly some other
formats. The idea is that one record might have the usual information, but
have a .doc and an .mp3, whereas another might have a .doc and a .pdf, or
another a .pdf, .mp3 and three .jpegs.

The idea is to attach all the files associated with a specific record so
that I have everything in one place.

Is this even possible without me having to write an app? I could probably
install an extension if I knew where and how to find one.

Thanks for any help.

Do you need to actually to store the files? If you need to store them use the data type 'OTHER' also called Blob in other DBMS. It accepts any entry with a max size 2.1G.

Are you familiar with using a table linked to a base table using a "foreign key". You indicate that you may have different number of files stored. I would use a linked table to the main table. The linked table will have its own primary key and will use the main table's primary key as its foreign key.

Anne B.

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