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There should be care in naming extensions and avoiding collisions with OpenFormula and other 
extensions (implementation- or user-defined).

It might be good to review the specification of OpenFormula in ODF 1.2 for all of the functions 
defined there.  There may be OpenFormula functions of interest that are not yet implemented in 
LibreOffice Calc and it would, in those cases, be useful to implement them as part of the full set.

Also, there needs to be agreement on how extensions not provided for in ODF are identified.  I 
recommend against using org.openoffice simply because there would need to be some sort of joint 
arrangement to manage that as a shared namespace.  Not a bad idea, but absent that it might be 
useful that one use a unique name prefix for LO-defined extensions (as opposed to user-defined 

This is all to avoid collision of names among implementations when LibreOffice Calc documents are 
interchanged with other ODF-supporting spreadsheet implementations. For user-defined extensions, 
one might want to have a naming policy so those extensions don't collide as well.

 - Dennis E. Hamilton
   tools for document interoperability,  <>  gsm: +1-206-779-9430  @orcmid

-----Original Message-----
From: Stefan Weigel [] 
Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2011 23:10
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] I want to add formulas and functions to calc


Am 23.10.2011 04:35, schrieb Alberto Sanchez:

Is there a way that the community can benefit from this?

so my question is, how can I add that function
so that many others in my position can benefit from them?

Make an Extension and put into the Extensions Repository.

If you do not know how to create an extension and if you do not want
to learn it (which isnĀ“t difficult), you could post the Code and a
description of your new function and hope that some other old man
will pick it up and create and publish it as an extension.


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