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Have any of you run across this?
I ran across this about a year and a half ago. It is an excellent documentation put together for the European Union. I started to boycott Microsoft products about 6 years ago. Ronald Reagan said the Soviet Union was the evil empire. I've heard it said that Microsoft is the evil empire of the corporate world.


On 10/19/2011 10:37 PM, planas wrote:

On Wed, 2011-10-19 at 13:42 -0400, Scott Castaline wrote:

My comments were based on articles written when this first hit. At that
time M$ was pushing for no option available to disable this function and
their explanation was that it would allow "breaking" of their system.
The option that you mention was being discussed as a possible option for
mfgs, but again M$ was fighting that at the time. Also note that I had
stated that "if M$ gets their way" which I personally don't think would
be possible, but then we never usually see what goes on behind closed doors.

We have seen that in the past M$ used pressure tactics to prevent mfgs
from supporting "other OSes". Although M$ of today is much weaker there
has been recent developments that could be interpreted that they maybe
up to some of their old tricks with a slightly different twist to them.
That's all I was trying to say.

You would not be accusing MS of trying to lock everyone out of the OS.
Actually they may force their own death because people using other
devices and the cloud could be much less dependent on MS products than
now. I would hope that some European at least and preferably the US
government threatens serious lawsuits with the possibility of real jail

On 10/19/2011 01:00 PM, Tanstaafl wrote:
Come on people, please do a little research before spreading FUD...

This is an OPTION in the BIOS, one that can be TURNED OFF.

Any systems manufacturer that disallowed the ability to turn it off
would be committing commercial suicide imnsho...

Yes, there is some *potential* for this becoming a problem in the
dustant future, but not in the next 5 or 10 years...

On 2011-10-19 12:43 PM, Scott Castaline<>  wrote:
On 10/19/2011 12:11 PM, Ian Lynch wrote:
On 19 October 2011 16:59, webmaster for Kracked Press Productions<>  wrote:

Please read the linked article. [below]

If Microsoft gets away with this, then no computer that has a
Windows 8
logo on it will not be able to boot from free OSs like Linux. This
will be
part of the BIOS. You might not be able to run free software like
LibreOffice, if it goes to the extreme end.

I should think that is illegal under competition law.

To me, if MS get away with forcing OEMs to make it so their systems
run Linux, then it is another anti-trust violation for MS. Billy
boy is
going back to court about unfair practices from the 90's, so if
people do
not step up now to convince OEMs that we will not buy their products
if they
implement the free OS and software blocker at the BOOT LEVEL, then we
buy any new computers for Linux.

We can buy new computers, just not those that come with Windows. Might
be an advantage since there will be a niche market in supplying
that is not restricted in that way. I might start a new business :-)**open-source/free-software-**
Above link is broken, but the problem is that, how many OEM's will deem
it profitable to manufacture 2 different versions of their systems. That
also eliminates dual booting M$ and OpenSource OSes on the same PC. This
will also impact the MoBos manufacturers as they already make 2 versions
of their product to support Intel and AMD now it'll have to be 4
versions. I don't think that'll happen. It's more likely, if M$ gets
their way, one will have to some how hack the boards which will more
than likely nullify any warranties which will then send OpenSource back
to just hobbyists and such and non acceptance by others.

Free Software Foundation urges OEMs to say no to mandatory Windows 8

By Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols | October 18, 2011, 1:26pm PDT

Summary: The Free Software Foundation is asking OEMs to give users a
on Microsoft anti-Linux Windows 8's United Extensive Firmware security

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