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Le 16/10/11 08:50, jowyta a écrit :

Hi John,

Thanks, Andreas, this is helpful and moves us in the right direction.

This bug, has been
marked as not our problem since base runs OK with earlier versions of
OpenJDK.  However, I do not think that we know this.  The problem could
be as a result of an intended change in Java such as the tightening up
of a variable definition or the closing of a vulnerability.  If it is a
Java bug then we need to be in a position to say that our application
does not run properly because OpenJDK does not work in the way that the
Java specifications say it should in the following way...

So, how to we drill down deeper to isolate this problem?

You would probably need someone with a debug build of LibO master branch
who can find some way to analyse the Java stack using gdb or valgrind or
some other reporting tool. From what I gather from past discussions, it
is currently actually quite difficult to do that, but I could be wrong
and things could have moved forward since then.


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