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Hey list

I really, really enjoy using LibO and recommend it widely as a viable alternative to MS Office. So, thank you developers!

I do have one bone of contention where I do think that MS Office is superior to LibO Writer though, and that is in MS Office's formatting of bullets. In MSO, when one inserts bullets and they appear too far away from the border of a table, one merely needs to right click on the bullet and select "reduce indent" (or increase for the alternative option of moving the bullet further from the table border).

In LibO however, this function doesn't appear to exist and I find that I have to wade through some confusing documentation with terms that I'm not at all familiar with to achieve the same result. I'm obviously very bad at doing so correctly however, because the effect I achieve is variable, and inevitably ends up with the rest of the text hanging off at indentations that I don't want.

I find this amazingly frustrating and distracts me from the actual content of what I want to do.

Is there a simple way that I can align/ indent bullets so that they are flush against the border of a table and not spend fruitless amounts of time trying to figure this out from scratch each time?

Additionally, the alignment for numbering is messy especially when using Roman numerals (i), (ii) because by the time one gets to (iii), the text now appears significantly indented from the brackets of the (iii) and just looks ridiculous.

Any straightforward suggestions on how to fix this without the requirement for me to become some kind of text formatting guru?



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