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2011/9/26 Jeremy J. Shapiro <>:
1)  What path do the dictionaries need to be locate such that LibreOffice
will consult them and enable one to add words to them?

2)  Is there a way to get LibreOffice to consult more than one dictionary
for a text that has sections in or words from two (or more) different

       Jeremy Shapiro

Hello Jeremy,

1) I'm not too sure... but dictionaries now are extensions (.oxt), so
I suppose they are located where LibO keeps its extensions. The
place/path may vary according to your OS.

On my Mac, I found them in the LibO package (in the Programs or
Applications folder):
Contents>share>extensions>dict-en / dict-es / dict-fr / dict-nl ...

Since I installed the US version and a Dutch language pack, I also
find in the LibO package
Contents>basis-link>share>wordbook>nl and ...>en-US

So apparently, I have two dictionaries for NL... which one is really in use?
According to the size, it  seems to be the ones in >extensions.

2) In LibO, language is linked to character (Format>Character>Font>Language).
It is the most practical to link language to a template or paragraph
style. When you use a certain style, including a language defintion,
for a paragraph, LibO will consult the corresponding dictionary (if it
is installed - see a blue V next to its name in the language list).
LibO may check spelling (and possibly grammar) while you type, or
afterwards when you do a check-up.
If you use more than one language, you can specify this to LibO by
using several paragrapgh styles, each with different language choice,
or you can simply highligt a word or sentence and indicate another
language for it (in the Format menu, or in the status bar below,
simply clicking in the 3rd item and chosing the right language).

I hope I made it clear...
using LibO 3.4.2 on a iMac Intel DualCore Lion
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