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Hi :)
Another route might be to 
File - "Export to Pdf"
Pdf is basically an image format and can be opened by most image editing software, such as Gimp.
From there you can save it to most formats.  

Any Jpg image can suffer from wrinkles around sharp objects in the picture, like the bow-wave a 
boat creates.  It is a "lossy" compression.  Gif tends to be better for documents but doesn't 
handle smooth colour changes well.  It's better for sharp changes in colour such as text or logos.  
It's usually much lighter-weight than Jpg so it's often better for websites or emailing.  Gif can 
also hold layers although 200 might be too many.  You can play around with how the layers are 
handled after saving and re-opening.  I often get the first page to display fairly briefly and then 
any page with written text a lot slower.  Other people have each layer display extremely briefly to 
make a very light-weight animation.  Png also allows layers.  It is "lossless" compression so you 
don't get weird crinkles or strange distortions.  Sometimes file-sizes are a little bigger.  Jpg is 
the famous one but Png is usually better quality, more flexible and just as
 easy to use.  

Most people are familiar with straight Pdf though so you might like to see if that is better for 
the task.  As Tim said, it depends on why you need Jpg.  
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Sun, 25/9/11, webmaster for Kracked Press Productions <> wrote:

From: webmaster for Kracked Press Productions <>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] libreoffice impress can converts from pptx to jpeg multi-page, 
this is possible?
Date: Sunday, 25 September, 2011, 14:22

If you want all 200 pages to have their own JPEG file, then you want to do an HTML export.

Create a folder to hold the HTML presentation.  Use the Export and choose HTML.  Choose the 
defaults, but you will need to change the image section to JPG, compression rate, and the screen 
size.  I just did this and got thumbnails of the images and the images in the screen size.  I used 
3.4.1 for Ubuntu 64-bit.

The images will be numbered from 0 to 199 - for 200 slides.

Why do you need to have all the pages converted to JPEG?

On 09/25/2011 03:55 AM, manuel muzzurru wrote:

i like very libreoffice, thank you team libreoffice!

then i need to ask you,

i hvae pptx convert to jpeg but with multi-page because i have 200 pages, i did try:
file>export...>save in jpeg>size and quality, etc,>  exported but not all pages...
how i can convert all page in jpeg?how?
thank you

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