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On 09/26/2011 05:34 AM, e-letter wrote:
On 25/09/2011, manuel muzzurru<>  wrote:

i like very libreoffice, thank you team libreoffice!

then i need to ask you,

i hvae pptx convert to jpeg but with multi-page because i have 200 pages, i
did try:
file>export...>save in jpeg>size and quality, etc,>  exported but not all
how i can convert all page in jpeg?how?
A bit confused by other replies, but export of impress files to html
creates images of each page, in png format.

As Mr/Ms Cohen states, you could use imagemagick to convert the images
to jpeg, but unless the original presentation pages contained
photographic images, it is probably better to keep to png format to
reduce further loss of image quality during the conversion to jpeg.

Also with imagemagick you can change the size of the images using the
command 'resize'.

In your options before it does the exporting, you can change the image type to JPG and also change the size of the image. I do not remember about setting the "quality" of the JPG image there, though I know that I have software that can save JPG images as a "lossless" type. If the size of the image is too small, you can resize it in many packages, but the issue with the "original person" was he had 200 images/slides to make into JPG images.


If he would let us know what the images are for, there may be an easier way to convert the presentation for that specific purpose. I have converted one to HTML before for an online version of the presentation. I have used images and run an HTML "photo" album software [free] to make it work as a slide show with transitions for online use. That software took smaller size images and resized them to be all the same image size I chose for the slide presentation. It all depends on the use.

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