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Hi all

On Wed, 2011-09-21 at 17:06 -0700, NoOp wrote: 

On 09/21/2011 09:02 AM, Arkady wrote:
Hi all!

There's a trouble opening simple RTF file in LO 3.4.2. It is opened, but
it's rendering is incorrect. Same file is correctly opened by MSO 2010. May
someone provide feedback on the issue? 

RTF has always been an issue in OOo and LO. While some recommend using
it, OOo & LO opinion has always been otherwise. I'm not sure exactly
why, as Microsoft has had a published RTF spec for many years. But the
spec seems to be a moving target[1]. Perhaps it's because Microsoft
doesn't always follow their own spec? Samples:

The problem with rtf is that is the specification is revised with each
new MSO version. Thus which version is being used could be an issue. The
latter versions support more features. 


[Word 2003: Rich Text Format (RTF) Specification, version 1.8]
[Word 2007: Rich Text Format (RTF) Specification, version 1.9.1]

For reference:

Image ofLO 3.4.2 with opened file 96.rtf 

Image of MSO 2010 with opened file 96.rtf 

Original RTF file: 96.rtf 

My guess is that because it's a drawing it's an issue.
However, RTF drawing objects are not supported in many RTF
implementations, such as[53], LibreOffice, KWord,
Abiword[54] or IBM Lotus Symphony (up to version 1.3 only some limited
support[55]; improved in later versions). When a RTF document with
drawing objects is opened in a software that does not support RTF
drawing objects, they are not displayed at all. Some implementations
will also not display any texts inside drawing objects.[56][57]
Similarly, when a document with drawing objects is saved as RTF in a
software that does not support RTF drawing objects, these are not
preserved in the RTF file. (For example, supports drawing
objects in some file formats (e.g. in ODF, SXW, DOC), but do not support
RTF drawing objects.)
Each of RTF implementations usually implements only some versions or
subsets of RTF specification. Many of the available RTF converters
cannot understand all new features in the latest RTF specifications.

I tested with MS Word 2003 and it opens fine. However with OOo versions
(linux and Windows) 3.3.x - 3.4-dev, and LO 3.3.4 and LO 3.4.3 the issue
is as you show in your .jpg.

Another problematic RTF file (incorrectly rendered table in LO 3.4.2):

You are correct; the second table isn't rendered as a table (ending with
the last data, but is instead converted from table to text.

You have a valid bug/issue, but my guess is that you'll be waiting a
*very* long time before the issue(s) get resolved (if at all). I'm not
posting this to discourage you from using LO, but I would discourage you
from using RTF in general.

Jay Lozier

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