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Possibly not everybody knows---today (September 17) is Software Freedom Day. There may be events happening in a city near you:

To celebrate, the maintainers of Trisquel, a fully-free version of Linux, have released version 5.0:

(I found out about the above events just today.)


On 09/17/2011 01:27 PM, Winston Yang wrote:

Regarding distros, besides Trisquel 4.5.1, I've used or tried the following distros:

--- Ubuntu 10.10
--- Ubuntu 11.04
--- Linux Mint
--- gNewSense, a fully-free distro
--- RedHat

I may have also used Ubuntu 10.04.


On 09/17/2011 05:50 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
I think you need
Tools - Options - "Language Settings"
Near the bottom tick the "Enabled for Asian languages and maybe tick the "Complex Languages (CTL)"?

It is good to hear someone using Trisquel. Debian family (same as Ubuntu, Mint etc) but meets the very demanding requirements of the FSF
Looks good but i guess it needs a bit of experience with Gnu&Linux before trying something like this? Have you already used other distros in the same family?
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Sat, 17/9/11, Winston Yang<>  wrote:
In Writer, how can I type Indian fonts, such as Devanagari/Devanaagarii, for Hindi or Sanskrit?

I'm using LibreOffice 3.4.3 on Linux (Trisquel 4.5.1).

I tried going to the following places:

         Trisquel: System>  Administration>  Language Support

         Writer: Tools>  Options>  Language Settings>  Languages

Thank you.

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