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I've noticed that Calc doesn't handle decimal numbers correctly when using
any of the three locales for Switzerland (German, French, Italian). It
ignores values that use a comma as decimal symbol. The convention in
Switzerland is to use a point for currency values and a comma for everything

My first guess was to look at the region settings in Windows 7. For some
reason Windows 7 by default also assumes that a point is used in Switzerland
for all numbers (not only currencies). I've changed the system wide setting
and hoped that it would effect LibreOffice (3.3.4) as well, but LibreOffice
seems to ignore the changes I made and still expects a decimal point for all
values when using the locale German (Switzerland). Changing the setting for
"Decimal separator key" in the language settings dialog for LibreOffice to
"Same as locale setting" made no difference for me.

Is there a way to fix this, besides using the locale of a different country?

Thanks in advance!

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