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You only have to scroll if the person who is replying *blindly* quotes the *entire* *message*, rather than - as *all* top/inline posting advocates suggest - trimming the quoted text to only what is relevant to provide context to your reply.

You and Tom Davies simply ignore that - so what does that make you? Disingenuous (aka liar)? A moron (someone who cannot wrap their brain around a simple truth) Both?

As I replied to another message - we live in the real world - not some idealised
world where everyone is rational. People are lazy - get used to it.
And there is no need to insult everyone.

In most cases top-posting is preferable. However, in this 'list' environment, bottom-posting and selective quoting works better for retaining context. However, we cannot enforce this without alienating the very people this list is aimed at (ie everyone), so we will
just have to live with a few inconsistencies and inconveniences.


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