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On 09/05/2011 01:34 PM, John Williams wrote:
On 06/09/11 00:18, webmaster for Kracked Press Productions wrote:

What OS are you using? Do you use Windows, Mac, or Linux
Thanks for your reply.
1. I'm using Debian Squeeze AMD64 on an ASUS K501 notebook, one hard 
drive (dual booting with Windows 7, which I seldom use. I have 
openoffice 2.2 on the Windows partition and do not have the Path problem 
with it)

2. the > Tools>Options>LibreOffice>Paths -->My Documents "Edit" changes 
WORK as long as I DO NOT reboot. When I reboot the changes are lost.
I have always had an "office" directory for my letters. spreadsheets etc 
to do with my day to day life and have used the default Libreoffice 
"Documents" directory for other stuff that I may or may not want to keep 
or back up. Somehow, the changes I make to "Path" are not being 
permanently saved.
3. I tried placing my "office" directory as a subdirectory of the 
libreoffice "Documents" directory, making the path to my office 
directory /home/john/Documents/office/  but the changes are lost on 
4. Changes I make to "calc" such as moving the cursor to the R instead 
of the default Down are also lost on rebooting.

I can live with the way things are, it seems a petty thing to mention 
but was more convenient the way it used to be! Thanks, John.

John, I've not been able to replicate your problem (3.4.3 linux - .deb
files using Ubuntu 10.10, 10.4, or 11.04 - LibreOffice 3.4.3 OOO340m1

If I change the document path & reboot the path remains. My recent
documents also show the most recent. This sounds like it may be a
profile issue.

Several questions:

1. What is the output of:

$ cat /opt/libreoffice3.4/program/bootstraprc

2. $ locate versionrc

3. $ ls /opt/libre*

4. And last:

$ ls ~/.libre*

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