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At 23:57 06/09/2011 +0200, Klaus Friis Østergaard wrote:
Search criteria in SUM.IF

I have a list with two columns:

A        B
Type   Amount
a        1000
b         500
c         250
a         200
a         100
b         300

in real life with more than 50 types. I want to make a table that summarizes the total amount of types. I wanted to make a two column table again like this:

X        Y
Type   total_amount
a        1300
b         800
c         250

I was trying to use sum.if function. but how do I make the criteria string in the sum.if Depending on the value in column X

a   =sum.if(A1:A10;"=a";B1:B10)  but this is static,

how can I make this as an reference with CONCATENATE like =sum.if(A1:A10,CONCATENATE('"=';TEXT(X2);'"');B1:B10 )

I think you are making heavy weather of this. If the criterion is equality, it does not need to be mentioned: you need just to indicate the cell containing the relevant value. Try:
Since you need to fill this down the Y column, you will need to freeze the row references to A and B, of course:

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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