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I've got a form setup with multiple sub-forms and its working as expected but
I'm hoping to make some improvements to ease data entry.  

First thing, as I add new records to a table that is the basis of a "lookup"
I have to save the record and then refresh the table in the parent form each
time. Is there a way to incorporate that into a button right on the form
itself?  I've been going down to the bottom, saving the new record, then
putting the cursor in the parent form and going back to the bottom to push
refresh. I have the form creating a default numeric value in one column and
sometimes this process (the one I just described for adding a new
sub-record) gets caught up with a violation about a duplicate record which
is hard to get out of - sorry, kind of hard to describe.

The other problem is that as I add more and more records (eventually, there
will be more than a thousand), new entries are at the bottom of a scrolling
list. When I refresh, it pops back up to the top and I have to scroll all
the way down to add a new record.  Is there a way to reverse this so new
records are at the top?

Many thanks for any help.

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