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[LO 3.4.3, build 302, under WinXP SP3]

Would someone with LO 3.4.3 and Windows please try to reproduce the following?

1. The downloaded build includes a "button" on the top toolbar with the text "Find Text." It appears to have no functionality. Not only does it do nothing on its own, but it also does nothing even after entering text with the Find & Replace dialog (either through the menu or by adding the F&R icon).

2. The problem could be even worse than non-functionality. It appears that the toolbar button is stuck on one word and will not allow it to be changed. (I assume this means that, at one point, it allowed a value to be entered....) Even when a user enters a different value in the F&R dialog, if the user then clicks either the "Find Text" button or one of the two arrows next to it, the program looks for the embedded/stuck word and not the one it should be looking for.

3. The problem described in the previous paragraph means that, in a multi-page document, when one clicks "Find All" in the Find a& Replace dialog box, there is no way to move to the next occurrence, because the arrows are looking for a different value.

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