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On Thu, 2011-09-01 at 20:26 -0700, Robert Schiele wrote: 

I'm using LibreOffice 3.4.3 and love the product running on Windows 7 64-bit
box. It works as advertised, but I would like to see one change. That is
that changes made under Tools/Customize should be saved in same way as they
are under Tools/Options, specifically the reassignment and/or removal of
hotkey assignments. True, changes can now be saved by saving a separate .txt
file to disc, but why go through that? I understand that the product runs on
a wide variety of platforms, but changes under Tools/Options are saved even
running on non-Windows platforms. It seems to me that what I am asking
should be no more difficult than that must be.
You can file a bug report and in the
severity note it is an enhancement so the triagers know your report is a
suggestion to improve LO not a flaw per se. 

Aside from that, I wouldn't change a thing even if I could.

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Jay Lozier

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