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On Fri, 2011-08-26 at 22:22 -0700, Bill.M wrote: 

On 26/08/11 09:06 PM, planas wrote:

On Fri, 2011-08-26 at 17:38 -0700, Bill.M wrote:

Hi folks,

I'm experiencing a problem with a popup in the English version of

I keep getting the "Aide du Correcteur Terminologique" popping up
IN FRENCH. At least this is what title of the help screen in french. I
don't read french so Googling is no help either.

The actual popup has the term "remplacement des terms 'etranger" on the
top display and I simply wish to either delete or disable this feature.



Which version of LO are you using? And what is your OS? Also, can you be
more specific about when the French pop-up occurs so we can try to mimic
the behavior.

Personally I have not seen this behavior some I am puzzled why this

LO v.3

Debian Linux

Sometimes it doesn't occur in new documents. When it does occur it 
happens about 2-4 times per sentence. For example, if I type
"Now is the time" it will pop up on the word time in the context  Now is 
the. It doesn't seem to recognize the word time or has a problem with it 
and activates.

I hope this is helpful. I'm sorry I can't provide more specifics.

Can you tell me where to disable/uninstall it?


Do you have multiple languages installed or the French help pack
installed? I assume you installed LO from the repository. I am guessing
that having multiple languages or help packs is possibly confusing LO.

The only other possibility is I can think of is to check the language
settings (TOOLS>>OPTIONS>>Language Settings>>Languages and make sure all
the settings are correct for your location.

Truthfully, i am very puzzled because I could not find an obvious
feature or bug that relates to this. 

Jay Lozier

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