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Hi Larry,

Larry Gusaas wrote (18-08-11 19:23)

On 2011-08-18 5:50 AM Cor Nouws wrote:
Tom Davies wrote (18-08-11 13:21) :-(

Duplicates add to the original reports just as a good comment would.
Please read and act and advise accordingly.

I searched for Mac printing problems before posting the bug report and
found none related to printing envelopes.

Thanks. Good that you tried.

Prevents wasting time of people that have a lot of work to do.

The bug I posted was closed as a duplicate. The one that it was a
duplicate of was changed from Linux to all platforms as a result of my
bug report, therefore my report was useful and did not waste people's time.

yes and no.
It did add information, but it would be better if you had been able to add it directly to the right issue. Therefore people spending a lot of time here, could be more helpful in finding relevant issues, IMNSHO.

To better understand the situation, may I ask you and others, if you would mind to query for issues with e.g. "table" in the subject.. You may of course skip closed (duplicate, fixed etc) issues. (* for the query)

Take a look at the list. A bit closer if needed.
Quite fast it will be clear that there is a lot of duplication, obscurity, spreading of information etc.

The fact is that the people trying to keep Bugzilla useful, and that have to work with it, are not confronted with one or two, but with dozens of this and those.

What I want to say: we cannot help that we are no developers, but we can help developers - which we need most of all - by taking time to read and think about all we put in Bugzilla. It is not a bin ;-)

Since this bug was introduced in OOo 3.2 it seems that many people have
been ignoring it.

Reasons are mentioned and explained above.

I wastes my time every time I want to print an
envelope since I have to export it as a PDF and then print it.

The subject has been mentioned and discussed before. On this list. On the old users list. AFAIAC, the simple advise and workaround always has been: make a template with default page size, and place the fields etc so that it matches the envelope in the printer feeder.
It is a workaround, but I hope it will help you too.



 - Cor

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