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Le 15/08/2011 14:12, Tom Davies écrivait :
Have you already got, or did you have LibreOffice 3.3.x installed previously?  

Yes, as I have told it, version 3.3.3.

I finally arrange to get 3.3.0 and 3.3.3 installers:
-  3.3.0 refuse to install ("A new version of LibreOffice 3.3 was found. To install an older 
version, the newer version needs to be removed first").
- 3.3.3 installer asks also for the libreoffice33.msi file. Which one I provide, I then get an 
error ("invalid file").

Finally, I can't uninstall, I can't reinstall, I can't downgrade and I can't upgrade.

Too bad!

It's weird that it is asking for the libreoffice33.msi, i would have expected it 
to ask for a libreoffice34.msi.  

You can install both or lots of different versions include OpenOffice ones but 
only by following this guide

I am not sure how to make sure you have fully removed a program in Windows.  I 
would look in "Add/Remove Programs" in the Control Panel.  ('Start' button - 
then just under "All Programs?)

Regards from
Tom :)

Le 15/08/2011 13:09, écrivait :

I can't install 3.4.2 on Windows XP because the installer asks for the libreoffice33.msi file that 
is not present on my PC.

Same thing :
- If I try to uninstall.
- With 3.3.3 version.

I'm using 3.3.2 version (French).

Thank you in advance,

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