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Il giorno sab, 06/08/2011 alle 10.25 -0700, NoOp ha scritto:
On 08/06/2011 04:31 AM, Andreas Säger wrote:

It appears to still have issues. I'm getting this error:

[unixODBC][Driver Manager]Driver's SQLAllocHandle on SQL_HANDLE_HENV failed

I'll post back when I get it figured out.

Since many years I have never read some write-up where somebody managed 
to access mdb under Linux nor Mac.
There used to be a read-only driver from an open source project back in 
2005/06. After many months of hard work they gave up further development 
when their write access revealed some tendency to destroy the connected 
database. Read-only would be just fine for most people, but I can not 
even find that version anymore.
The Windows drivers are made by Microsoft. Even if they could compile 
the same thing for Linux easily, they would never do so.
I use to recommend the excellent tools provided by MS Access to export 
data, query definitions, doc reports, macros and all sorts of meta 
The mdb tools are good enough to export usable CSV. Then you can copy 
tables from a CSV connected Base document into a database connected Base 
document. Like always, mind the locale setting in respect to the decimal 
separator and date formats used in the csv.

I finally managed to get Base to connect to the Access file (old Office
97 Northwind example .mdb) and even list the tables in the file. However
when I attempt to view the table LO (and OOo) crashes with no apparent
crash info (i.e., LO & OOo simply dismiss). To do that I use a different
driver: /usr/lib/ instead of /usr/lib/ So
it's closer than before...

For Roberto: my odbcints.ini entry looks like this:
Description           = MSAccess Driver
Driver                = /usr/lib/
Driver64              =
Setup         = /usr/lib/
Setup64               =
UsageCount            = 1

and my odbc.ini entry;
$ cat /etc/odbc.ini
Description           = Northwind Sample Database
Driver                = /usr/lib/
Database              = /home/gg/Documents/MyDocuments/Nwind.mdb

Hello, thanks for posting back.
I am not interested in ODBC connections.
Since the site   declares
that Base
"... provides native-support drivers for some of the most-widely
employed multi-user database engines: MySQL, Adabas D, MS Access..."
I expect to have a direct connection as "MDB viewer" has.
In my /usr/lib/ folder I do not have any libmbdodbc file 
rs@rs-XPS-U:~$ ls /usr/lib/libmdb*
               /usr/lib/      /usr/lib/
               /usr/lib/  /usr/lib/
I downloaded Nwind.mdb form
and, using "MDB viewer" [GMONE MDB
(mdbtools-gmdb)]  I can see the data in the tables, see the list of
other objects (views, forms, reports, and macros) export the schema and
the tables.

I would expect to have at least as much fom Base or is ti not possible?
Many thanks again, roberto

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