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What I did was make sure I had some font viewer installed. IF you right click on the font, you should see something like "Open with Font Viewer" That should open a dialog box with the font in it. At the bottom right side of the box there should be an "Install Font" button". Click on that and you have just "properly" installed it.

For me, I always wan to see the font before I install it.

I currently have over 400 .ttf fonts installed. Most of these fonts I rarely use, while other will be removed since they did not pass my "testing" them for use on projects. Most are specialty fonts for specific use [handwriting, ding-bats, stylized, etc.].

Most of the fonts were installed this way, while some were installed using the package manager.

As for automated install of 100's of fonts, then yes try copying the fonts into the hidden ".font" folder in the "user" folder.
[i.e. "timothy/.font" for my Ubuntu system]

Are you transferring your fonts from an existing Windows computer's list? I have done that myself.

Still, it would be a good chance to review [now] what fonts you really want/need to use from that list of 100's of fonts. I have a font storage folder with over 100,000 sorted fonts in group sub-folders, so I know a little about this subject.

Remember, the more fonts you have in the .font folder, the larger the list and the longer it takes to scroll down it do choose the font you want/need to use within LibreOffice.

On 08/10/2011 12:05 AM, SillyOne wrote:
My question is really basic, but I couldn't find anything about it, sorry.
So here goes.

Adding fonts to the windows version of LE is simple, just add them to the
"c:/windows/fonts" folder (or install via control panel), and you can use
them in LE just as in any other applications.
But in Linux (I'm using Linux Mint 11 x64) I can't figure out how to get it

*what I have tried:*
1) copied the fonts to "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/windows-fonts", updated
the font cache doing sudo fc-cache -fv, they show up using fc-list, but they
didn't show up in LibreOffice.
2) opened the font in font viewer and clicked install, same as above.

I'd prefer a solution that can be automated (I'm about to install hundreds
of fonts), but everything is appreciated.

Thank you!

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