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On Sunday 07 August 2011 02:25:45 Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
Bob, the META-INF/manifest.xml file should be a text file.  Why do you
think it is a binary file?  It should be in a META-INF folder where you


I was looking at the .rdf file. Didn't ralize there was another manifest.

The manifest.rdf file is encrypted (so it looks like binary).  That is not
the one that matters.  In fact, one of the first things we need to do is
remove it from the document and from the manifest.  There are other parts
of the document that are unnecessary and that we can remove as well.  With
any luck, it will be one of those that is corrupted.


Take a look at META-INF/manifest.xml.

OK. I can look at it with an editor; I will try sending it as a zip just the 
way it is . Also sendin a copy to NoOp.

We can attempt to repair the manifest.xml file without seeing the rest of
Experience.odt.  We can send modifications back to you and you will need to
try using them to replace the META-INF/manifest.xml, re-zip the document,
and see if it then opens with your password.  It may take several tries,
and we can still fail.

This should prevent any of the personal, confidential information from
leaving your custody.  If you are able to open META-INF/manifest.xml, you
should see that there is no personally-identifiable information in it.

Because manifest.xml might be damaged, you might need to put it in a Zip
file all by itself before sending it to anyone.  That is more likely to
pass through e-mail without further damage.  Then it can be examined, any
corrections attempted, and returned to you with instructions about how to
include it into an extraction and put the extraction back together as a
document to try opening with your password.

Thanks for your patience and very kind help. I hope this works.

Bob S

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