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On 06/08/2011, planas <> wrote:

On Sat, 2011-08-06 at 13:31 +0000, Onyeibo Oku wrote:

1) True but what I'm doing is more computational than relational though
the end result will be a material for building a proper database. A
spreadsheet is more suited for this ... Trust me on this.

Okay, I may be wrong here because I speak as bound by the level of
knowledge I have on spreadsheets and database management, My
experience in dbase is small compared to spreadsheets. (See comments
below for and example of what I'm doing. Maybe someone can advise me
better.)  I could be a moron after all. I am open to suggestions.

-----Original Message-----
From: Andreas Säger <>
Date: Sat, 06 Aug 2011 12:34:13
To: <>
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: Slow Calc Macros

General rule of thumb: 99% of all spreadsheet macros are potentially
harmful, counter productive, badly implemented and reveal nothing but
the author's ignorance against the underlying spreadsheet application.
Could it be that a most simple database would solve all your problems
without a single line of silly Basic?

Depending on the complexity of the calculations you might find Base
easier to use. Relational databases support normal arithmetic and simple
statistical functions (sum, count, average) because they are implemented
in SQL. The more complex functions are not supported by SQL such as trig
or log.

Jay Lozier

So, let me float this problem. I probably will get a better approach
to it by sampling the pros. If you work in an educational facility and
want to reel in lots of result sheets from teachers. You are dealing
with people who find spreadsheets foreign and databases extra-alien
and geeky. These people are the source of data for the main database.

On the other hand, you want to consider speed of data generation and
data portability. You want to set up a template to allow these people
supply this information at little or no cost using existing
infrastructure and with minimal training. There is no local network
yet, and the internet in the facility is not for result management and
you need to start building these data NOW!

Another thing to consider is that the results must be presented in a
certain way. Forms can do this ... Spreadsheets can also do that. But
these forms should be dynamic to spread results across legal size
papers depending on number of candidates. This presentation is for
printing purposes only and not for the Dbase.

Please suggest the best route. My route now is to provide these people
with a spreadsheet template that takes care of their usual result
analysis and grading. It organises the results into sheets for
printing using a pre-designed sheet that it copies as necessary for
more sheets. We have to option of submitting the spreadsheet document
for use in building institution wide DB or using CSV versions instead.
 I am doing this as a contribution to an institution that will only
accept a movement to IT based management when they see something that
works and it has to be done fast and on-the-go without disturbing the
programme and the employees much.

What do you guys suggest? Base for those teachers' inputs (or should
it be Calc?), while the rest can be strictly DB programs.  I want this
to be done with opensource solutions since I'm already suggesting
opensource OS for use in same institution.  Thanks

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