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On 06/08/2011 06:40, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:
Removed sheets may have references, a new sheet can not have any
references nor is it referenced.

bAC = isAutomaticCalculationEnabled()

Thanks Andreas,

I've done that but the problem persists.  I also made another
observation. One of the reserved sheets have formulas spanning about
10columns by 1750rows (some of them having up to 4-6levels of nested
'IF's with conditional formats). When I remove that sheet, the macro
executes instantly.

What I don't understand is why Calc still computes that sheet while
deleting other sheets. The macro makes no reference to it and it
doesn't reference the deleted sheets.  The 'culprit' sheet uses named
cell refs but all within itself except one cell that references a
cache sheet which never gets deleted. More baffling is that it happens
with AutomaticCalculation set to False.

I wonder if watching the huge range with a  listener will produce
better performance results.

Perhaps you can also add


do something


Thanks Andrew,

I've tried that.  No Joy :(

I removed formulas from the 'Culprit' sheet between Row11 and Row 1760,
ran the sheet-creation/deletion macro, and the speed was excellent.  So
it seems OOo/Libreoffice is iterating those cells at each sheet
deletion.  *That is not good*. Either the 'IF' formula statements
attract some performance hits or the named-referencing is doing
something weird.

I still have one formula summing the 1750rows ... and the macro runs
fine.  Looks like I have to deduce some kind of algorithm to avoid the
'IF's or whatever is causing this drag.

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