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Navigator is a lot like Microsoft saying "We're stable because we made
it one whole hour without crashing."

Tabbed document divisions were created by God and given to Lotus
WordPro.  It's not just the navigation, but the grouping and reordering
and skipping and everything else.  If you create a tab with multiple
chapters and move that division to a different place in the book, ALL
chapter numbers get fixed instantly.  You could flag divisions as
printable/non-printable so you could keep all of your working notes in
various tabbed divisions where they would remain forever but not appear
in actual output.  On massive technical manuals where you have multiple
divisions each having multiple sections and each section having multiple is the ONLY method of sanity.

I have written books using WordPro.  I have written books using
WordPerfect under OS/2.  I have written books using OpenOffice,
Symphony, and currently have two I'm writing with LO.  WordPerfect was
almost tolerable, but it really paled next to WordPro.  Writing large
technical books with any of the OpenOffice clones is much like getting
kicked in the groin by penis hating women wearing steel toed boots.  I
usually end up having to use 4 different word processors at the same
time to write a book now, when I could use only one with WordPro.  There
are still disasters which strike this new environment which were
physically impossible in Wordpro.

Until you've actually loaded WordPro and created an 800+ page technical
book having 24 chapters, 4 divisions, and multiple sections, don't try
to put any of the OO clones in the same class.  You don't know it, but
you are trying to say watching a little league game which is about to
invoke the 20 run rule is just as great as the combined summer and
winter olympics.

On Sat, 2011-08-06 at 19:52 +0100, Brian Barker wrote:

At 14:01 06/08/2011 -0400, Brian Grawburg wrote:
I specifically use Word Pro because I can create a division and then 
easily click on the chapter tab to go to a specific location.  If 
LibreOffice included such an option it would become my only word 
processing program, ...

Have you tried the Navigator (View | Navigator or F5)?  If your 
chapter headings have appropriate Heading styles, you can easily jump 
to them in the Navigator.

For now, I will only be able to use LibreOffice for short documents.

No: like others, you can use it for long documents too.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

Roland Hughes, President
Logikal Solutions

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