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On 27/07/11 7:59 PM, Brian Barker wrote:
At 10:04 27/07/2011 +1200, Steve Edmonds wrote:
On Wed, 2011-07-27 at 09:16 +1200, Steve Edmonds wrote:
If I have a string in a cell, say 30/08/2011 and the format is general (I don't know what types the data) can this be changed to a date data type without having to re-enter all my data.

I worked it out. I changed the alignment using the right, centered, left buttons that confused LO. I had 12/03/2011, cell number type date but it was not really a date but confused. I cleared all formatting Ctl-M, cell showed 12/03/2011. I set cell format to text, cell showed 12/03/2011. I set cell format to date and the formula changed to '12/03/2011 (note that ' was added in front) I deleted the ' in front and the cell changed to date.

There is an easier way to do this, especially if you have a lot of entries. Use the formula =VALUE(xx) to create a new column of values. This will extract the date value from the text entry you have, though you may have to format the resulting column as Date to see the values correctly. You can paste the corrected values back over the originals if you prefer, of course - using Paste Special and deselecting Formulas.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

Thanks, worked a treat.

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