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Hi :)
I am sure it's something to do with just settings.  There was a thread about it 
a few months ago.  "Webmaster at Kracked Press" had a good answer but i can't 
find the thread.  I don't know if this is it but in
Tools - Options - LibreOffice - Paths
is AutoCorrect set at something like

Also in 
Tools - Options - LibreOffice - "Language Settings" - Languages
there are 4 drop-downs.  The top one often reverts to "English (USA)" but i 
think they all 'should' be on "Default - English (UK)" ecept currency which 
'should' by "Default - GBP" and the bottom option about fonts doesn't have 
"Default" at the start.  

In the top box of the 3 boxes in 
Tools - Options - LibreOffice - "Language Settings" - "Writing Aids"
I have "Hunspell SpellChecker" ticked.  In the middle box i have 4 
"dictionaries" ticked
standard [ALL]
soffice [ALL]
technical [ALL]
IgnoreAllList [ALL]

In the bottom box i have ticked "check spelling as you type" along with most of 
the rest of them except "Check words with numbers" and "Hyphenate without 

I have CC'd the message directly to you in the hope that you get the attached 
screen-shots that way in case they look completely different from yours.
Good luck and regards from
Tom :)

From: Mark Stanton <>
Sent: Sun, 24 July, 2011 9:46:12
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Given up spellchecking?

Hi Tom,

Just open the package manager and search for hunspell in there.

D*mn!  I could'a sworn I'd done that and it wasn't there.
I've just done it again and it *is* there.  Unfortunately it *is* 
installed.  "Best uninstall & re-install" I thought.  If I try to
uninstall it KPackagekit (the local GUI installer) says it'll also
uninstall "LibreOffice Core"... :-(
That's a bit drastic :-|

If it's installed then I just need to find a way to (re)tell LO
about it.  Any hints gratefully received.

Mark Stanton
One small step for mankind...

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