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Hi Matthew,

Matthew Monaco schrieb:
On 07/22/2011 08:17 AM, Regina Henschel wrote:
Hi Matthew,

Matthew Monaco schrieb:
I've always had a lot of trouble printing when I setup a custom page
size in the page properties. It seems like the print dialog tries to
find the best fit of the predefined page sizes.

Yes. The printer "tells" what paper size it is able to handle. And LO
the best fitting from them. Unfortunately, the printer does not "tell"
this paper size is really available. So your printer might go into a
mode and you have to enter the paper manually.

Furthermore, I have no
clue what the manual option is attempting to do.

Is there something I'm missing here?

The behavior is different for Writer, Calc, Draw and Impress.
Generally there
are two ways to get fitting of page format and paper size. You can
tell your
printer what to do. For example my printer can print with scaling 80%.
Or you
can tell LO what to do. Especially Draw and Calc have a lot of options.

You should describe a concrete task, if you want detailed help.

Kind regards

Ok, concrete task: printing envelopes (writer).

Set page size to 6.3 x 4.7 (landscape).

Type out address and return address.

File > Print >> _select printer_ >> properties button >> paper tab

No matter what I do here I cannot print correctly to a specified paper
size. Either the text becomes distorted or it prints outside the bounds
of the page. However, I know I'm capable of printing to this size just
fine because I can from Abiword, gedit, firefox, etc. They all use a
standard print dialog.

I like LO a lot more, but I'm forced to use Abiword whenever printing

Printing with Linux is different from printing with Windows, so please ask the Linux experts how to proper install the printer. Sometimes OOo is more sensible against wrong settings than other applications. I have only Windows and cannot help you with that.

Printing an envelope is a very special thing. If the straight print does not work, you need a trick. The page size is set to your default paper size (likely A4 or letter). The position of the letter on the paper is set by the margins in the page layout. The envelope wizards tries to generate such a page layout. But it might fail and then you have to figure it out by yourself. Printers differ in the way they handle envelopes, so it might help to find someone, who owns the same printer as you.

Kind regards

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