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Hi Rachel,

rachel eliason schrieb:
Okay so I am setting up a book, with fairly specific guidelines. the only
thing giving headaches is the page numbers. I am trying to merge the
introduction, which is five pages, numbered in roman numerals, with the
contents, which is a hundred and some pages, numbering in arabic numerals,
without changing either the format or page numbers in either document.
Changing style sheets gets me half way, the document starts its page number
over at the beginning of the contents. But the footer format always applies
to the entire document; so that it's either roman numerals or Arabic
numerals. Is there someway to change that?

You need a page style for the roman numerals part and a page style for the arabic numerals part, and for the first page likely too. To switch to a new page style you have to insert a manual page break via Insert>Manual Break for example. In the tab 'Page' of the page style properties dialog set the field 'Format' in the section 'Layout settings' to the desired number format.

Kind regards

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