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Paul W <> writes:

Sorry, I dont' get what you're saying.
I just meant that when there's a new version available LO would notify the
user and give the user the option to or automatically download and install
any updates.

What I'm saying is that there's no point in informing users about new
versions being available for the purpose of updating the installed
version because the installed version is updated during regular updates
anyway (which are performed by root and not by users).

If users want to always have the latest version, they can download it
from the git repository, install it in their home directory (if that's
possible) and continue to update it at whatever rate they choose.  It is
probably not very useful to inform all users about all changes to the
repository because there are so many changes.

So what's there to inform users of?  They can subscribe to the "Mailing
list for news and press releases by The Document Foundation."[1] or
check out the website.  Isn't that sufficient?

[1]: see

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