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You can see if it is possible to select a cuboid, but that may or may not provide what you want.

Also, there is an interesting problem of maintaining the correspondence between the column A 
entries and the column B entries if that is important to you. 

A cuboid is a range that starts on one sheet (say the upper left or the left-most column) and ends 
on the final sheet (say the lower right or the right-most column).

This is a provision of OpenFormula in ODF 1.2 but I don't know what the implementation is in 

A lot of how this works really depends on what it is you want in the chart - then you can figure 
out how to boil the date from the other sheets down to produce the data that is exactly the basis 
for the chart.

I don't want to speculate farther because it is not clear what can work without understanding what 
you want as the chart data.

 - Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: Thorsten Kampe [] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 11:10
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: [Calc] Create and export chart

* Tom Davies (Wed, 13 Jul 2011 18:42:47 +0100 (BST))
Personally i would probably stick to Calc and insert a new sheet that
calculated summaries from all the other sheets and then use that as
the basis for a chart.

So you cannot create charts in one sheet that takes data from another 
sheet from within the same Calc file? There is no $'ALL SHEETS'.$A$1:$B

If not how can I create a sheet that includes all the other sheets' 


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