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Hi Hylton,
Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) schrieb:
Hi all,

Is there a way to copy a particular cells conditional formatting rules
across a  cell selection either in a row or a column?

Yes. Copy a cell, which has the conditional formatting assigned. Mark the target and goto Edit> Paste Special. Unselect all but 'Format' in the section 'Selection' and mark 'Add' in the section 'Operations'.

I have a spreadsheet with three columns of numbers, two of which require
three conditional formatting rules on each and every cell row.

You can use a formula with ISODD(ROW()) and ISEVEN(ROW()) in the condition and so use the same condition for each row.

I know how to increase of the cell reference in a cell formula is
possible, but how can the cell values in the cell conditional formulae
also be updated incrementally?

?? Please post an example of such a condition. You might have to use the type "Formula is" instead of "Cell value is" in the condition.

Kind regards

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