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On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 11:21 AM, Steve Edmonds

On 13/07/11 4:14 AM, Olivier Bietzer wrote:

Using LibreOffice after some years under OOo...
The Mail merge has an option to save the merged documents into one single
document OR into individual documents, with some parameters to give an
individual name to each doc...
But this does NOT work, it does only create one single document...
This was working in an older OOo (3.0 ??) but does not work in 3.3, and
neither into LO 3.4.1...
Does anyone else see that problem ??

 Confirmed, suggest you file a bug.

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Encountered this some months ago with OOo.  Investigation revealed that (1)
a bug had been filed; (2) that OOo rewrote the print module for ver3.3.3
which resulted in the fault, and: (3) LibO picked it up from OOo.  The
solution for me so far is to revert to a OOo version that worked.
All the best,  nvsoar

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